01 December 2013

Finals Prep

Finals week will be upon us soon, and as for me this entire week is about papers, final presentations and all around craziness.

The beginning  of the semester I go through and write down everything when it's due in red. I use this to itemize what I need to do in the week(s) before finals.

Next I write down everything I need to do for each class. I also set deadlines that I attempt to keep. I always try to break up large assignments so I do each portion the best I can. Also it's a lot less intimidating.

How do you handle the week(s) before finals?
Study tips to come soon.



  1. Nice post, I'm such a nerd but organizing posts are my favorite! lol I have the same agenda and I love it! I always end up trying new systems for keeping track of assignments...


    1. I love organizing posts too! I feel like I have a new system for every semester because I have different classes and expectations!
