27 January 2014

First Day of a New Semester

Today is the first day of a new semester! I don't have class until 2:15 today, so I'm taking the time to check out my syllabi and work on RA stuff.
I'm so excited for this semester, especially what could come after. Fingers-crossed there will be a summer internship and a semester abroad after this spring!

Here is my back to class and organization checklist!

What do you always do on the first day of a new semester?



  1. Wow, our first day was back in December (I'm on the quarter system). I'm definitely jealous that you get syllabus week this week...as I have a midterm project due on Friday :O I probably need all these things for my week ahead too though :/ Good luck with your semester


  2. Oh my goodness- I can't believe you go back to school today!! I went back 3 weeks ago... :-(

    Anyways, hope your first week goes well!!

    xoxo A

  3. Good luck! You got this!
    Also, you start so late!!! lol
