28 May 2014

P&P Studies Abroad

If y'all don't remember this post from March, I'll be studying abroad! I have surprise for y'all this coming August, but until then I am going to be posting about my steps leading up to studying abroad this semester.

{Passport} I've had a passport since I was 16, but for those who don't, you'll need that before you can really do anything else. Walgreens is where I got to get photos, but a quick Google search should give you other options!

{Visa} Make sure to know about what is required for your visa and what is not. It is a lot of paperwork and should be started ASAP! I would recommend getting everything done right away. I procrastinated a little bit on mine and am definitely regretting it. You have to wait for some paper work but have everything ready right away.

{Flight} Once you get your passport, I suggest looking for flights. They can be really expensive, and depending on whether or not you have a lot of time. I would search student discounted sites as well! I didn't know about these until just recently.
If you're going for a semester like I am, and plan on traveling after your semester don't book a round trip right away. I'm traveling with a friend at the end of my semester and we haven't completely planned our trip yet so I'm waiting to buy a one-way ticket back!

{Credit Card} Try and find a credit card that won't charge you exchange fees. Also, request that the company give you a microchip in your credit card. Long story short you might have your credit card information stolen in Europe if you don't have the microchip.

Sometimes we all forget about these big things in the excitement of studying abroad! Are you studying abroad? Where?



  1. I go to my local post office for passport photos. That is also an option as well! And I'm excited to read about you leading up to the trip and when you're actually abroad as well! :]

  2. Excited about this series!!
