16 February 2015

Time Management Tips

Each semester I have to adjust my schedule and be flexible with my study habits or I would go crazy trying to fit it all in. Here are some of my best time-management tips.

Create a Schedule// I have a weekly schedule that I create in Microsoft Excel every semester that I carry around with me. It has all my classes, work shifts, and internship hours on it. I also put meeting times, which can include group meetings, organization meetings and work meetings. This is my lifesaver when I need to sign up or volunteer for something.

Use "in-between" Time// During your day you are bound to have some time in-between classes. I would recommend using this time wisely, whether it be reading, doing homework, working on tasks for your organization or applying to internships. Use this time to call your mom or print things off. Make a list of tasks you want to do during the day, and use that time to complete them!

Prioritize// This is the most important when it comes to time management. Sit down and decided what is most important to you. Here are some ideas to start your list: school, future career (internship opportunities, free-lancing, job shadows etc), part-time job, family, health, activities and traveling. Once you have your priorities, it can be easier to make to-do lists and make commitments.

Relax// This may seem like a weird time management tip, but I'm most effective when I have down time to just relax without worrying too much about my to-do list. It recharges me and allows me to be the best version of myself!

Daily To-Do Lists// Every night before bed I make color coded to-do lists. While making these to-do lists I make sure to remember how much time I actually have to complete tasks, and how much mental energy I have. This semester I spend most of my weekends completing homework and tasks because that just seems to be easier.

How do you manage your time? Any other tips?

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