04 March 2015

Everyday Pearls: February Edition

Hi, my name is Ashley and I have a hard time writing posts on Friday nights.

Basically that's the real reason that I only did two Everyday Pearl posts, so here is my normal life update!

MB came to visit for the weekend and we just relaxed with each other! We hung out with my sorority daughter and little, as well as went to the women's basketball game on campus. MB thought it was a little ridiculous that we throw cheesecurds out during basketball games.

That next week was a busy one, and honestly most of my pictures would probably be snapchats of how ridiculous my planner looks on a daily basis. It was rush week and of course I had a great time! I fall in love with my sorority all over again every rush week!

I got another little! I love love love her and can't wait to get to know her better!

I went home for two weekends in a row, once over Valentine's day weekend to work and hang out with my best friend KG! I also got to hang out with my debate coaches from high school!
My favorite kind of morning, breakfast & blogs in bed!

Some favorites I got from one of too many Target runs!

I went home again for one night the next weekend to hang out with some of my MN family and then came back to GB to finally spend some time with my roommate. I'm not going to lie, this past weekend was spent applying to internships, working and hanging out with my grandparents.

Life is no where as adventurous as last semester, but I laugh everyday and am thankful for every moment I have here in GB and everyone in my life.

How has your February been? Are you one spring break?


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