05 February 2014

Semester Check- In

This may or may not be only the seventh day of classes for me (no classes on Friday, thank goodness). I am definitely not in lower-level courses anymore. Most of my classes emailed homework the week before, and there definitely isn't a "syllabus week". Here is my checklist for the first month of the semester (which most of you are in)

Most of the these are to make sure you are on top of your semester goals! These are more my goals, but most of you expressed that you had similar goals so I thought I would put my checklist up! 

How are your semesters going? Have you lost any motivation or are you still going strong? 


PS Check out my Pinterest for inspiration, humor and cool ideas!


  1. Hey girl! You have such a cute blog!!
    Just wanted to let you know that I nominated you for the Liebster Award if you'd like to play along! Feel free to check it out below!
    xoxo, Haley

    1. Thank you girl! I will definitely check it out:)
