01 August 2014

Book Review: Welcome to the Real World

Here's another career book review for your Friday reads!

Welcome to the Real World: Finding Your Place, Perfecting Your Work, and Turning Your Job into Your Dream Career by Lauren Berger is a great read for any young professional, especially those who are just graduating or about to.

This book is definitely more tailored towards women. Even though I have a year and a half until I enter the "real world" I have found her tips to be immensely helpful in my current internship.

I would also recommend this book to anyone who is taking a full-time internship during the summer months, because she gives helpful tips on how to balance work and life. Apart from the actual advice, Lauren gives you the most important points at the end of each chapter, making it easy to reference over and over. (Which for a Type A personality for myself is perfect!)

The most helpful part of this book was the networking section. I always feel awkward about networking because it's so out of my comfort zone. What I'm most nervous about is approaching upper level positions to ask for their advice and help. However I'm quickly learning I just need to bite the bullet.

Lauren gave great advice on how to stay connected, with holiday emails and Google News Alerts. I don't want to give too much away because I'm pushing you to go out and buy this book!

If you are going to be a freshman or sophomore in college, read her book All Work, No Pay: Finding an Internship Building Your Resume, Making Connections, and Gaining Job Experience  with me next week! (I read her books in the opposite order, whoops) 

What helpful and inspiring books have you read this summer? Let me know in the comments please!


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