08 September 2014

Summer Internship Reflection

I'm a big believer in constant improvement. In order to improve I believe we should reflect every once in awhile on what we've accomplished.

This summer I took a media planning internship at an ad agency. This is definitely out of my comfort zone, but it was a great experience.

1. Asking questions is a must: Since this job was out of my comfort zone, I definitely needed to ask lots of questions, and my curiosity was appreciated.

2. Double-check, triple-check your work: This job involved a lot of math, which is not my strong suit.  In the beginning I wanted to get the job done quickly, but by the end I was doing to job quickly, and then checking my work two or three times.

3. Make connections: Internships are great to build your skill set, but their more valuable if you connect with the people you are working with. These connections enrich your experience and help build your network for after college.

4. Take positives out of everything: Even thought this internship was not the exact job that I want in life, I gained great skills and contacts!

I'm excited for the possibility of internships next semester and next summer!

How was your summer job or internship?



  1. I am keeping my fingers crossed for an internship next summer - would LOVE to work in an ad agency!

    Pick Your Beau

  2. Great post! This is kind of where I'm at right now. I have a temp job that I know is going to be a great learning experience, but isn't what I want to do long-term and is definitely out of my comfort zone. So I'm trying to come to terms with the fact that I'm going to make mistakes, and not feel too weird about asking my boss for guidance -- better to be slightly annoying than screw a ton of stuff up! :)
