11 November 2014

A Day in the Life of a Study Abroad Student

Hey y'all! I know this semester my posting has been a bit erratic, and I promise come January everything will be back to normal. Unfortunately anything that has to do with Google will not load on my laptop while I'm at my host family's apartment. (If you know how to fix this please let me know) The only time I have to blog is a short hour in between classes on Tuesdays.

Anyway, here is a look into the life of what a typical Thursday is for me!

1. Wake up 9:00am: I don't have class until 11:10, but I like to have plenty of time in the morning for my commute. I wake up, check my phone for messages and updates from my friends, then head to the shower. I get ready, grab some pastries and coffee with milk for breakfast (typical Spanish breakfast) and pack my bags.

2. Commute at 10:15: I take the a 20 minute Metro ride into Bilbao and then a 10 minute walk to the University. I usually have a book on my phone and my headphones to pass the time!

3. Classes 11:10-2:00: I have three out of my five classes, Spanish grammar, Spanish conversation and Modern Spain.

4. Lunch 2:00-3:00: My host mom packs me a sandwich, and I usually buy a soda or something to go with it. The sandwich is normally a baguette and some sort of meat and cheese.

5. Class 3:00-4:00: I have my Basque Language and Culture class, which is really interesting and probably one of the most useful classes I have here. I'm able to learn about the culture that I'm immersed in and understand their customs better.

6. 4:00-6:00: This is a really weird time because I normally take the 30 minutes commute back to my host family's apartment to drop off my books and do some things before I have to leave at 6 to go back into the city to nanny for an hour and a half. I don't like to carry my heavy bag around while attempting to chase small people.

7. Nanny 6:30-8:00: I nanny two little girls for an hour and a half on Thursdays, trying to teach them a little bit of English. The three year old knows none, but she is starting to learn her numbers! The 7 year old just started English classes, so we work on everyday words. They are already bi-lingual, as they know Spanish and Basque.

8. 8:00-10:30: My friends and I normally get together around this time for a couple of drinks in order to catch up. One of my friends and I have to leave around 10:30 in order to catch the last metro into Getxo. This is one of my favorite habits here, because winding down with good friends after a long week is great.

9. 11:00:  I normally try and watch an episode of something on Netflix, catch up on emails, friends and Facebook. If I'm lucky I even get to talk with MB for a bit before I fall asleep after he finishes classes for the day.

I chose Thursday because it probably has the most components of my life here in Spain. While it's busy, it's much more chill than what a typical day would be for me in the US.

Have you studied abroad? What did your day look like?

PS Stay tuned for pictures from my trips to Barcelona and Paris with my parents! 

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