01 May 2014

Finals Week Essentials

My extended finals week is about 1/3 of the way over. Lots of chocolate, coffee, and time on my MacBook Air is the recipe for my success (hopefully)

Here are some of my essentials for finals week!

Coffee: I limit myself to three cups a day! I usually drink a cup in the morning, a cup around 1 or 2, and one around 5 at night! It's been pretty chilly here, so I've been sticking to the warm version.

Diet Coke: Total White Girl Move, but I limit myself to only 16 ounces a day. This is for when I'm want something bubbly, and cold!

Water: I am almost always drinking something, so my water bottle or mason jar glass is almost always by me. You can easily be dehydrated by all the caffeine you're consuming, and that can make you tired. This is obviously the opposite reason for you drinking all the caffeine you can. Drink some water. You'll thank me.

My Lilly Agenda: Basically my best friend and worst enemy during busy weeks. I write literally everything down. Having a plan a way less stressful (my how-to in this post)

Le-Pens: The perfect pens for studying! I create really colorful study guides that are perfect for keeping me alert during long study sessions. (here's a how to for essay test-study guides)

Spotify: Find my productivity "homework" playlist here. It's the perfect mix of my favorite music, fast and slow.

Self-Control: This app is perfect to keep me focused, I tend to take too many little breaks checking my social media accounts and the latest news.

Sleep: I know that this is really hard, but if you can't remember any information you studied if you're too tired!

A can do attitude: This is cliche, but don't defeat yourself before you even start. You don't have to be über cheery about it, but don't be negative either.

What are your  go to finals week essentials?
Good Luck!

1 comment:

  1. I am definitely with you there on the coffee - I'm on my third cup today! (And about a third of the way through as well, not actually done til next thursday) For me I have to make sure I am not stressing myself out too much during finals, I just posted about my habits on the blog if you want to check it out. Good luck!!

